Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2/9- Immersive Fantasy Notes Continued

-The cognitive technique demanded by the immersive fantasty is syntactic bootstrapping, the construction of a world by the context of what is told

-Creating a sidelong view of the world can also be achieved using the demotic voice to construct a disengagement, ironizing the antagonism of the point of view character

- A way to acieve the sense of death is describe first, explain later.
*a second popular tactic is through creation of vocab that claims meaning through context. which builds the sense of story and world behind what we actually see

-Refusal and the unexplained world
*it creates a world that is fantastical rather than fantastic, in which belief is constructed throygh the use of overelaborate language and the deployment of the absurd

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2/8 - Rhetoric's of Fantasy Notes - The Immersive Fantasy

-The immersive fantasy is a fantasy set in a world built so that it functions on all levels as a complete world
*it must act as if it is impervious to external influence
*it must assume the reader is as much apart of the world as those being read about

-Mimesis is the art of persuading the reader to forget the meditation of language
*it doesn't mean we are in the world, but we must share assumptions of the world .. i.e Pride and Prejudice
*we must sit in the heads of the protagonists accepting what they know as the world

-Immersive fantasy is the fantasy of thinning, portal-quest fantasy emphasizes on recognition, healing and the restoration of the grandeur of previous days, immersive fantasies are overwhelmingly concerned with the entropy(lack of order or predictability) of the world 

-Intrusion, portal quest, and liminal fantasies all need the belief in a dividing line between the real and not real to function. 
-Immersive does not- we think of the emergence of modern immersive fantasy as a rediscovery of the reality of the fantastic and with a set of ways to express that belief

-Most common place to find the concentric construction is in sci-fi 

-Coherency is crucial to creating the ironic mimesis of the immersive fantasy. It is possible to create a world in which anything can and does happen. But if one does this then it is impossible to make the characters questioning and extrapolating(extend the application of a method or conclusion to an unknown situation by assuming that existing tends will continue or similar methods will be applicablebeings. 

-Immersive fantasy looks at the world sidelong-the restriction to worldview of someone who already knows the world has interesting effects
-that which is taken for granted by the protagonist us frequently marked by an ordinariness of description

Monday, February 7, 2011

2/7- Metaphors We Live By Notes

The Systemacticity of Metaphorical Concepts

-We can use the metaphorical linguistic expressions to study the nature of the metaphorical nature of our activities
-Time is money example .. "You're wasting my time. This gadget will save you hours."
-Corresponding to the fact that we act as if time is a valuable commodity a limited resource, even money- we concieve of time as the kind of thing that can be spent, wasted, budgeted, invested wisely or pooorly saved or squandered.
-The metaphor = Time is money entails that time is a valuable resource which entails that time is a valuable commodity
-metaphorical entailments can characterize a coherent system of metaphorical concepts and a corresponding coherent system of metaphorical experessions for those concepts

Metaphorical Systematicity: Highlighting and Hiding
-The systemaicity that allows us to comprehend one aspect of a concept in terms of another will hide other aspects of a concept
-a more subtle case of how a metaphorical concept can hide an aspect of our experience can be seen in a "conduit metaphor" .. speaker puts ideas into words and sens them along a conduit to a hearer who takes the idea/objects out of the word/containers.
-the conduit metaphor does not dfit cases wgere context is requie=red ti determine wether the sentance has meaning at all and if so, what meaning it has.
-metaphorical conepts can be extended beyond the the range of ordinary literal ways of thinking into the range of what is called figuartive thought/language

Orientational Metaphors
-organizes a whole system of concepts with respect to one another
-give a concept of spatial orientation i.e..happy is up. "I'm feeling up today!"
-there is  an internal systemacity to each spatialization metaphor (which are roote in physical and cultural metaphor)

Metaphor and Culture Coherence
-The most fundamental values in a culture will be coherent with the metaphorical structure of the most fundamental concepts in culture
-our values are not independent but must form a coherenr system with the metaphorical concepts we live by
-Which values are given priority is partly a matter of the subculture one lives in and partly a matter of personal values. The various subcultures of a mainstream culture share basic values but give them different priorities.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2/6-Metaphor and Film

Metaphor and Film - The Concept of Poetic Metaphor

analogy- is a process of reasoning from parallel cases, but with the two cases remaining separate and unchanged.

-in analogy the mind moves from the common factors to clinch a point or elaborate an argument and the common factors are pre established they are generally accepted or are believed to be the case (connection between the subject/parallel are accepted literally)
-in metaphor the  mind moves from the tenor and the vehicle and back (connections between tenor and vehicle are accepted figuratively)

literal= true to letter, when something cannot be illustrated through verbal behavior = they coin metaphors.
*a word they know connected to a category they posses, to describe something for which they do not have the word or the category

metaphoric tension is built up by a variety of vehicles converging from different angles on the same tenor

symbol- may be conceived as an offshoot of metaphor that has developed characteristics peculiarly its own.  It also passes and tenor and vehicle however the treatment of them is different.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rhetorics of Fantasy Notes .. continued.

-the nature of the club story is that it valorizes the control of the narrator. this one factor may help to explain why, although many quest fantasies claim to be about a remaking of he world, few can be considered genuine instauration fantasies

*instauration= obsolete

-fiction is about conflict, portal quest fantasies possibilities for conflict are limited by ideological narrative that the world painted as true.

Early Quest and Portal Fantasies
-Bunyan used dreaming to contextualize his allegory
-the effect on the tone of the fantasy is to create an unevenness, an alteration of description and familiarity
-omniscience as a vehicle of explanation, proves hostile to the portal quest fantasy

-what we are privy to is recorded emotion: we can feel only what vane says he feels. this is first person narrated.

-we can only truly understand the world through simile, or in its effect upon him.
